Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

How to Write a Persuasive Essay
Writing a persuasive essay is much like preparing for a debate. You need to study your persuasive essay topic from various perspectives, establish your main argument and gather supporting evidence. You also need to know how to write a persuasive essay, namely how to organize parts of the persuasive essay in the way that will work best.
Try the following instructions on how to write a persuasive essay. They are indispensable in writing a well-planned and thoroughly considered persuasive essay.
1.Start with an Impressive Lead-In
The introduction of your persuasive essay is the first words you utter to render the readers to be well-disposed to you. Moreover, it is by the introduction that the reader decides whether to go on reading you essay or leave it in peace. Thus, the introduction of your essay should be attention grabbing and impressive enough to induce the reader to read further on.
Writing a persuasive essay, you need to pay particular attention to the first sentence you are going to write down, namely a lead-in. It is the most important part of the whole persuasive essay, out of which you come out either a winner or a loser.
To write a strong and impressive lead-in, try the following strategies:
7.start with an unusual detail;
8.put a strong statement;
9.quote a famous person;
10.introduce a short and up-to-the-point anecdote; the essay with a statistic or fact;
12.start with an emphatic rhetorical question;
Before deciding on one of the strategies, try all of them. You will be surprised to find out how different strategies can enrich and smarten up the introduction to your persuasive essay.
After you have put the opening sentence, be sure to introduce a sentence that will show that you see both pros and cons of the subject matter under consideration. Then write a thesis or focus statement, which has to reveal your own point of view. A well-formulated thesis statement is the key to success, as it is the central part of your essay, around which all other parts are organized.
Remember that a good introduction should be brief, concise and end with a closing sentence that will be transitional to the next paragrath.
2.Support Your Thesis in the Body
The body of your persuasive essay is the main part of your writing where you present supporting evidence and elaborate on the reasons you stated previously. The body should be a proof that you have researched and examined your persuasive essay topic and that your arguments are reasonable and reliable.
In order to prove your thesis statement and dispel the opposing arguments, you need to: 1) state the facts of the case; 2) prove your thesis with arguments; and 3) disprove your opponent's arguments in three consecutive steps.
Statement of facts is a non-argumentative presentation of details, summaries and narration concerning the problem discussion. In this part of the body you should present supporting evidence without stating your own point of view and trying to persuade the readers in it.
First, you should remind the readers of some events, provide vivid illustrations that will show the significance of the topic. Statement of facts should be clear, brief, and vivid. If you obscure the facts, you are defeating the purpose. Thus, delete irrelevant information and information which contributes little to the reader's understanding.
After you've introduced some facts, you can get down to proving your thesis with arguments. This should be the longest section and the central part of your persuasive essay. With the readers rendered attentive by the introduction and informed by the statement of fact, you must show why your position concerning the facts should be accepted and believed.
Now comes the time to deny the truth on which the opposing argument is built. Be patient in thinking over the refutation. It is the most difficult stage that needs time, concentration and absorption.
The proven way to hook readers' attention is to leave your strongest argument for last so that to leave them with your best thought.
3.Write a Memorable Conclusion.
Your conclusion should be a "mirror image" of your introduction. It means that you should refresh the reader's memory and remind him of the thesis statement you put in the introduction. It is not a mere waste of time or words, but the best way to convince the reader to take your side.
As well as in writing the introduction, you can try several ways to write a memorable conclusion for your persuasive essay.
Except for restating the introduction, you can summarize the main points to enable the readers to recall the main points of your position.
A nice way to conclude the persuasive essay is to write a personal comment or call for action. It could be: 1) your prediction; 2) a question that will let the readers make their own predictions; 3) your recommendations to solve a problem; 4) a quotation. It's up to you to decide!
The last line of your persuasive essay, that is the "tag line," needs special attention, for it is the second most important line after the lead-in. Thus, it is important that it:
4.renders the readers to be well disposed to you;
5.magnifies your points;
6.puts the readers in the proper mood.
Once you have put the full stop after the "tag line", your work is over. But make sure that the words you have put in your persuasive essay will be "working" long after your readers stop reading it.

Health Food Versus Junk Food In Today's Society

McDonalds Burger King Pizza Hut There are dozens of fast food chains in every part of the world, making it quite difficult for anyone to have a strict diet. Who would want a salad when they could easily have a large fry and an entire pizza? Unfortunately, the foods that taste the best are often the worst for your body. While we usually ignore this important fact, it is crucial that we at least try to consume nutritional food four days out of the week.

Since the health trend has spiked in most recent years, a myth has circulated across the globe. Most people feel that "nutritional food" - the types of products with an abundance of fiber, protein, and other vitamins, taste like the bottom of your toilet seat. Although many of these products do taste a bit bland, there are plenty that are delicious. It is just a matter of weeding out the disgusting foods and focusing on the ones that taste the best.

If you are trying your best to be healthy, it is essential to find foods that will treat your bodies well. Most grocery stores include products that have an "organic" symbol at the bottom of each box. This is great to look for, especially if you are searching for healthy alternatives. Once you have come across this symbol, you should try to find something
high in fiber. For instance, Fiber One cereals or Kashi products are very high in the nutrients your body needs. Fortunately, they also taste amazing. Looking for something sweeter? Add a few berries to your cereal each morning.

Looking for wheat products is also key. Instead of buying Wonder bread, opt for
whole grain or wheat. These types of products are much better for your bodies, and actually include the fiber that you should be getting. Not ready to give up all of the bagels and danishes? At least try buying the low fat wheat bagels, which barely taste any different. Add light cream cheese, and you are all set for a healthy breakfast.

Aside from organic foods and whole wheat bread, you should be taking nutritional supplements. While some people enjoy swallowing their
daily vitamin, others like to be creative. Noni Juice is a popular favorite, as it is a natural fruit juice that does not have any extra preservatives. Looking for sweetness with all of the nutrients? Noni Juice is the perfect product, if that is what you are looking for. It not only boosts your immune system, but it gives you energy, and it fights off viruses that are trying to get you sick.

Health food is always going to somewhat have a negative connotation. After all, it never will be Pizza Hut or Burger King. However, these junk foods will by no means give you the
nutrition that you desperately seek. By eating healthy foods and looking great, you will not only feel better about yourself, but you'll have additional energy. It is a known fact that you will feel much different if you consume foods with fiber and nutrients. Once you start eating these types of groceries, chances are you'll turn the other cheek to fast food chains.

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Kanker Hati


Penemuan terb aru mengenai kanker hati! Jangan Tidur Terlalu Malam ! Para dokter di National Taiwan Hospital baru-baru ini mengejutkan dunia kedokteran karena ditemukannya kasus seorang dokter muda berusia 37 tahun yang selama ini sangat mempercayai hasil pemeriksaan fungsi hati (SGOT, SGPT),tetapi ternyata saat menjelang Hari Raya Imlek diketahui positif menderita kanker hati sepanjang 10 cm!!.
Selama ini hampir semua orang sangat tergantung pada hasil indeks pemeriksaan fungsi hati (Liver Function Index)..

Mereka menganggap bila pemeriksaan hasil index yang normal berarti semua OK.
Kesalahpahaman macam ini ternyata juga dilakukan oleh banyak dokter specialis, benar-benar mengejutkan, para dokter yang seharusnya memberikan pengetahuan yang benar pada masyarakat umum, ternyata memiliki pengetahuan yang tidak benar.

Pencegahan kanker hati harus dilakukan dengan cara yang benar. Tidak ada jalan lain kecuali mendeteksi dan mengobatinya sedini mungkin, demikian kata dokter Hsu Chin Chuan.
Tetapi ironisnya, ternyata dokter yang menangani kanker hati juga bisa memiliki pandangan yang salah, bahkan menyesatkan masyarakat, inilah penyebab terbesar kenapa kanker hati sulit untuk disembuhkan.

Saat ini ada pasien dokter Hsu yang mengeluh bahwa selama satu bulan terakhir sering mengalami sakit perut dan berat badannya turun sangat banyak. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan supersound baru diketemukan adanya kanker  hati yang sangat besar, hampir 80% dari livernya (hati) sudah termakan habis.

Pasien sangat terperanjat, “Bagaimana mungkin? Tahun lalu baru melakukan medical check-up dan hasilnya semua normal. Bagaimana mungkin hanya dalam waktu 1 tahun yang relative singkat dapat tumbuh kanker hati yang demikian besar?”

Ternyata check-up yang dilakukan hanya memeriksa fungsi hati. Hasil pemeriksaan juga menunjukkan “ normal “. Pemeriksaan fungsi hati adalah salah satu item pemeriksaan hati yang paling dikenal oleh masyarakat. Tetapi item ini pula yang paling banyak disalahpahami oleh masyarakat kita ( Taiwan karena penulis berdomisili disana, tetapi juga termasuk masyarakat Indonesia salah memahami).

Pada umumnya orang beranggapan bahwa bila hasil index pemeriksaan fungsi hati menunjukkan angka normal berarti tidak ada masalah dengan hati.
Tetapi pandangan ini mengakibatkan munculnya kisah-kisah sedih karena hilangnya kesempatan mendeteksi kanker sejak stadium awal.

Dokter Hsu mengatakan, SGOT dan SGPT adalah enzim yang paling banyak ditemui didalam sel-sel hati. Bila terjadi radang hati atau karena satu atau sebab lain sehingga sel-sel hati mati, maka SGOT dan SGPT akan lari ke luar. Hal ini menyebabkan kandungan SGOT dan SGPT didalam darah meningkat.

Tetapi tidak adanya peningkatan angka SGOT dan SGPT bukan berarti tidak terjadi pengerasan hati atau tidak adanya kanker hati. Bagi banyak para penderita radang hati , meski kondisi radang hati mereka telah berhenti, tetapi didalam hati (liver) mereka telah terbentuk serat-serat dan pengerasan hati. Dengan terbentuknya pengerasan hati, maka akan mudah sekali untuk timbul kanker hati.

Selain itu, pada stadium awal kanker hati, index hati juga tidak akan mengalami kenaikan. Karena pada masa-masa pertumbuhan kanker, hanya sel-sel di sekitarnya yang diserang sehingga rusak dan mati.
Karena kerusakan ini hanya secara skala kecil maka angka SGOT dan SGPT mungkin masih dalam batas normal, katakanlah naik pun tidak akan terjadi kenaikan tinggi. Tetapi oleh karena banyak orang yang tidak mengerti akan hal ini sehingga berakibat terjadilah banyak kisah sedih.

Penyebab utama kerusakan hati adalah :
1. Tidur terlalu malam dan bangun terlalu siang adalah penyebab paling utama.
2. Tidak buang air besar pada pagi hari.
3. Pola makan yang terlalu berlebihan (Daging panggang, sate, dan gorengan / minyak goreng yang tidak sehat. Sedapat mungkin kurangi penggunaan minyak goreng untuk menggoreng makanan, hal ini juga berlaku meski menggunakan minyak goreng terbaik sekalipun seperti olive oil….) Masakan yang digoreng harus dimakan habis saat itu juga, jangan disimpan..
4. Tidak makan pagi.
5. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi obat-obatan atau bahkan Narkoba.
6. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi bahan pengawet, zat tambahan (penyedap rasa), zat pewarna, pemanis buatan.
7. Mengkonsumsi masakan mentah atau dimasak ½ matang.
8. Merokok atau menjadi perokok pasif.

Kita harus melakukan pencegahan dengan tanpa mengeluarkan biaya tambahan. Cukup atur gaya hidup dan pola makan sehari – hari. Perawatan dari pola makan dan kondisi waktu sangat diperlukan agar tubuh kita dapat melakukan penyerapan dan pembuangan zat-zat yang tidak berguna sesuai dengan  “jadwalnya “.

 Sebab :
Ø Malam hari pk 21.00 – 23.00 : adalah pembuangan zat-zat tidak berguna/beracun(de-toxin) dibagian system antibody (kelenjar getah bening). Selama durasi waktu ini seharusnya dilalui dengan suasana tenangatau mendengarkan musik (lebih baik lagi bila sudah tidur) . Bila saat itu seorang ibu rumah tangga masih dalam kondisi yang tidak santai seperti misalnya mencuci piring atau mengawasi anak belajar, hal ini dapat berdampak negative untuk kesehatan.
Ø Malam hari pk 23.00 – dini hari 01.00 : saat proses de-toxin dibagian hati, harus berlangsung dalam kondisi tidur pulas.

Ø Dini hari 01.00 – 03.00 : proses de-toxin dibagian empedu, juga berlangsung dalam kondisi tidur pulas.
Ø Dini hari 03.00 – 05.00 :  de-toxin dibagian paru-paru, sebab itu akan terjadi batuk yang hebat bagi penderita batuk selam durasi waktu ini. Karena proses pembersihan (de-toxin) telah mencapai saluran pernapasan, maka tidak perlu minum obat batuk agar supaya tidak merintangi proses pembuangan kotoran.. Bagi perokok pembersihan berlangsung dengan tidak sempurna.

Ø Pagi pk 05.00 – 07.00 : de-toxin di bagian usus besar, harus buang air besar.
Ø Pagi pk 07.00 – 09.00 : waktu penyerapan gizi makanan bagi usus kecil, harus makan pagi. Bagi orang yang sakit sebaiknya makan lebih pagi yaitu sebelum pk 06.30… Makan pagi sebelum pk 07…30 sangat baik bagi mereka yang ingin menjaga kesehatannya… Bagi mereka yang tidak makan pagi harap mengubah kebiasaannya ini, bahkan masih lebih baik terlambat makan pagi hingga pk 9-10 daripada tidak makan sama sekali.

Tidur terlalu malam dan bangun terlalu siang akan mengacaukan proses pembuangan zat-zat yang tidak berguna. Selain itu, dari tengah malam hingga pukul 4 dini hari adalah waktu bagi sumsum tulang belakang untuk memproduksi darah. Sebab itulah, Tidurlah Nyenyak dan Jangan Begadang.